QUADSis® was born out of necessity.

About us

How it all began

QUADSis® was born out of necessity. When Janet’s now teenage daughter, Brooke, was in 2nd grade, she was wearing women’s shoe sizes which created the impossible scenario when shopping for dress shoes for an 8 year-old. There was simply nothing on the market that was both appropriate and cute in a woman’s size, but most importantly, appealing to Brooke. Not to mention…affordable… From there, the passion to find a solution to this issue began and the idea for QUADSis® was born.

About us

How it all began

QUADSis® was born out of necessity. When Janet’s now teenage daughter, Brooke, was in 2nd grade, she was wearing women’s shoe sizes which created the impossible scenario when shopping for dress shoes for an 8 year-old. There was simply nothing on the market that was both appropriate and cute in a woman’s size, but most importantly, appealing to Brooke. Not to mention…affordable… From there, the passion to find a solution to this issue began and the idea for QUADSis® was born.



QUADSis® strives for young girls entering their tween and early teen years to find confidence and strength regardless of their shoe size, which may be bigger than their peers, and to proudly be exactly who they were made to be.

QUADSis® prioritizes the precious years in a pre-teen/early teen girl’s life and understands that these are important developmental years for self-esteem, decision making and confidence.

QUADSis® footwear collection allows pre-teen and early teen girls to grow up feeling empowered and confident in the body they were given at a time in youth where everything can feel new and uncomfortable. QUADSis® wants every girl to know they are important, and matter, regardless of their shape or size.

Behind the Design

As two mothers with daughters of this age, we know these growing children want and need amazing shoes that feel and look more age appropriate.

Not only is confidence and self-esteem developing and changing in these years, during QUADSis® research and development, we were inspired to learn just how fast our feet grow during the pre-teen years, well before adulthood. This is also a time when our feet seem to be growing more rapidly than the rest of our body and mind. As two mothers with daughters of this age, we know these growing children want and need amazing shoes that feel and look more age appropriate.

Via proprietary design and development, we have custom designed our shoes with a wider base perfect to accommodate and provide stability and balance to growing feet. The 1.5” height and 1” pitch of our signature QUADSis® wedge outsole delivers the perfect height balance between heel and toe so these pre- teen/early teens get comfortable shoes with a bit of height and stability, without adding undue pressure to the forefoot which can cause discomfort and future foot problems.

We created QUADSis® footwear collection to resolve what we believe is a unique need in the marketplace that is not being addressed by other footwear brands.

Behind the Name

Your quadricep muscles are some of the largest and most powerful muscles in the human body, nicknamed your “Quads”.

This seemed perfectly fitting to express the strength we want all girls to have. QUADSis® is also deeply embedded in the number 4 – which is associated with strength, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-fulfillment. Founders, Janet & Stephanie each have two girls (totaling 4) and are often mistaken for sisters – which leads to QUADSis® (“QUAD SIS”)


Creators of QUADSis®

Aside from being business partners and co-founders of QUADSis®, Janet and Stephanie have been friends for 20+ years…

…and have lived much of life together in that time – including their weddings and the births of their four girls who ranged in age from 6 to 13 when QUADSis® was founded in 2022. Janet and Stephanie are committed to the idea that the tween and early teen age group is deserving of a well-fitting shoe that makes them feel amazing and confident. By crafting shoes specifically designed for tweens and teens in women’s sizing, QUADSis® aims to give girls just that. “QUADS is” strength and confidence to Janet and Stephanie… what is QUADSis® to you??